Use "sepal|sepals" in a sentence

1. The calyx is Campanulate with 5 free sepals; each sepal is linear and 0.9-3 cm long, smaller on pistillate flowers

2. Meesha - Sepal (Alveol Remix) 7

3. Completely covered by Bracteoles and sepals at anthesis; Bracteoles and sepals not differentiated, ca

4. The sepals under the flower wilted.

5. As nouns the difference between Bract and sepal

6. Bigroot morning-glory corolla and sepals.

7. Sepals not Auricled, stamens united, petals nearly equal

8. Flowers with slightly acuminate sepals, clasping the tube.

9. They have five sepals, five petals, 16 stamens, and four styles.

10. 4.2 anthocyanin of the sepals : presence or absence (H2)

11. Sepal One of the structures situated immediately below the petals of a flower.

12. If 4, they are opposite (along the same radii as) the sepals.

13. Corolla Apopetalous, the petals 4, imbricate, oblong, narrower than sepals, scarcely longer, sepaloid

14. A flower is made up of four parts: the sepal, petal, stamen and pistil.

15. Actinomorphic condition % Zygomorphic condition: K: Calyx (Sepals) C: Corolla (petals) P: Perianth (tepals) A: Androecium (stamens) G: Gynoecium (carpels) ⚥ Bisexual flower ⚦ Unisexual, staminate flower ♀️: Unisexual, pistillate flower: K 5: Five sepals, aposepalous: K (5) Five sepals gamosepalous: C 5: Five petals, apopetalous: C (5

16. Flowers pink with slightly acuminate sepals, and petals forming a tube.

17. They are placed opposite the sepals and therefore alternate with the petals.

18. Entire Describing the margin of a leaf, sepal, or petal that is smooth and undivided.

19. The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.

20. Sepals more or less Auricled at the base, stamens distinct, lower petal spurred

21. Objective:To determine luteolin content in Physalis alkekengi sepal which were collected from 20 places in Liaoning province.

22. Haplostemonous Androecia have a single whorl of stamens in which each is positioned opposite a sepal (antesepalous positioning)

23. Carrot flowers have five petals and sepals, and are born in compound umbels

24. Sepal stared at the people on the camion, and said I had no appetite, we'd better hurry up.

25. Carpel Flowers are typically composed of four different types of floral organs: sepals, petals, stamens and Carpels.

26. Antirrhinum flowers comprise four concentric whorls, with five sepals, five petals, four stamens, and two carpels

27. The flowers have four or five (rarely three or up to ten) sepals and petals.

28. Our results indicate that there may be some link between Bracteole suppression and an alteration in the order of sepal initiation.

29. The flower is small, dark yellow in color and contains thin brown stripes to petals and sepals.

30. Flowers have slightly acuminate sepals, clasping the tube which is formed by pink or red petals.

31. Distinct petals and sepals would therefore have arisen by differentiation, probably in response to animal pollination.

32. Having all principal parts , namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil pistils . Used of a flower.

33. ‘The Alismataceae have Acropetal leaf development.’ ‘Sepal initiation began on the basal lateral flower and continued in an Acropetal direction until all floral meristems had completed sepal initiation.’ ‘Similarly, meristem activities in the same Acropetal sequence or on the whole-root-system architecture have not yet been compared.’

34. Aestivation is the arrangement of accessory floral organs (sepals or petals) in relation to one another in a floral bud

35. Marsh marigold contains 5-9 yellow "petals" (actually sepals), while lesser Celandine often contains 8 petals

36. When the margins of petals or sepals overlap one another without any specific direction, it is imbricate Aestivation.

37. Of the floral parts the dorsal sepal is the biggest being 8–9 mm long and visually the most prominent part of the flower.

38. White Butterbur is similar to the native Common Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) and the flowers are main distinguishing feature.White Butterbur flowers have five narrow white petals, narrower than those of the Common Butterbur, with long pale-green sepals, whereas in Common Butterbur sepals are shorter.

39. Cuticular thickenings were also observed on the abaxial surfaces of sepals, petals, and stamens, but not on the gynoecium.

40. In botanylang=en terms the difference between Bract and sepal is that Bract is (botany) a leaf or leaf-like structure from the axil out of which a stalk of a flower or an inflorescence arises while sepal is (botany) one of the component parts of the calyx, when this consists of separate (not fused) parts

41. In this mode of Aestivation one margin of each sepal or petal overlaps the next one, and the other margin is overlapped by a preceding one.

42. Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.

43. After the production of sepal primordia, common stamen–nectary primordia arise. Nectary primordia are produced abaxially as a result of bifurcations of the common stamen–nectary primordia.

44. 18 Photosynthesis of flower organs was also measured. Stomata were on the surface of sepal, vexilla, keel, anther, gynophore, ovary, and style but not wing or filaments.

45. Ectopic expression of pMADS3 in transgenic petunia leads to phenocopies of the blind mutant, i.e., the formation of Antheroid structures on limbs and carpelloid tissue on sepals

46. Synonyms for Aestivation noun (zoology) cessation or slowing of activity during the summer noun (botany) the arrangement of sepals and petals in a flower bud before it …

47. Are they synsepalous or aposepalous (for sepals), synpetalous or Apopetalous (for flowers) and do they have a uniseriate or biseriate perianth cycly? Please explain

48. The Angiosperm flower typically is a hermaphrodite structure with carpels surrounded by stamens and the latter by petals and sepals, since insect pollination prevails

49. Coalescence[‚kō·ə′les·əns] (botany) The union of plant parts of the same kind such as the united sepals of flowering plants

50. Aestivation in plants can be defined as the arrangement of the petals and sepals, collectively called as perianth inside a floral bud before blooming.It is an important tool in the study of plant taxonomy, in which flowers of the different family show distinct Aestivation.For instance, the sepals and petals of the Hibiscus flower belonging to the Malvaceae family show valvate and twisted

51. All nectaries in the flower should be regarded as “floral,” a designation counter to the “extrafloral” one commonly used for many nectaries abaxially located on sepals and petals.

52. The final step of abscission-related cell separation in floral organs of wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana, which only Abscises sepals, petals, and stamens, is controlled by INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA)

53. From the givem diagram of Aestivation we can conclude that Valvate: Margins of the adjacent petals touch each other but do not overlap e.g., sepals of Hibiscus.

54. 1 Arabis alpina + Petals 10-19 × 4-8 mm; fruits (3-)4-7 cm; basal leaves: blade trichomes stellate with some rays branched; sepals 4.5-8 mm

55. PeIiod of Bloomingis about oneweek and theinvestigdtor must know the bloomlng period・ Table 1 Approximate date of first evidence of sepal primordia andof flユ11bloomfoI・Mission Olivevarietyatfourlocalities in Ca.1iわⅠ・nia.(1946)

56. The genetics behind the formation of petals, in accordance with the ABC model of flower development, are that sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels are modified versions of each other.

57. Epidermal hairs of different types and frequencies were observed on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of sepals and petals and on the adaxial and lateral surfaces of the anthers.

58. An Achene develops from a superior ovary, which is situated above the attachment of the petals, sepals, and stamen to the receptacle, the part of the plant that connects the flower to the stem

59. Flowers are Actinomorphic, with a tubular light violet corolla (4.16 [+ or -]0.02 cm long), three free petals and sepals, petals 2.5 [+ or -]0.1 cm longer than sepals, corolla remains straight during anthesis, with exerted sexual organs, six stamens in two series (4.3 [+ or -]0.38 cm the shortest and 4.8 [+ or -]0.2 cm the largest one), concolorous with the petals, a white, conduplicate spiral stigma in an elongated, …

60. The calyx is gamosepalous (as the sepals are joined together forming a tube), with the (4)5(6) segments equal, it has five lobes, with the lobes shorter than the tube, it is persistent and often accrescent.

61. The flowers are solitary, or in terminal racemes, with five sepals and five petals, numerous stamens, and a cluster of five to 20 carpels; they are superficially similar in appearance to Magnolia flowers.

62. The orchid belongs to the monocotyledon, formed with 3 sepals, 3 flower petals, 6 anthers (dividing into 2 circles) and 3 gynoecia. it is one of the ancient famous flowers in our country.

63. Family Ranunculaceae Genus Aquilegia are clump-forming herbaceous perennials with long-stalked, ternately divided basal leaves and erect, leafy stems bearing bell-shaped flowers with spreading, coloured sepals and petals with spurs, on branched stems

64. The bl gp double mutant flower displays homeotic conversions of sepals into the stigmatoid tissue in the first whorl and of the corolla limb into Antheroid structures with stigmatoid tips in the second whorl

65. The persistent, Campanulate, gamosepalous calyx is comprised of five light green sepals, proximally fused up to [+ or -] 2/5th (5-6 mm) of their length with distal ends [+ or -] 3/5th free from each other.

66. Birthwort family definition, the plant family Aristolochiaceae, typified by mostly tropical woody vines and herbaceous plants, having alternate, heart-shaped leaves and flowers lacking true petals but having three petallike sepals, and including the Birthwort, Dutchman's-pipe, and wild ginger

67. Hellebores are fascinating morphologically, if you are into that kind of thing: with sepals and nectaries (the yellow center early pollinators appreciate) and their stemlessness, or Acaulescence (true of niger and the orientalis or x hybridus kinds)

68. Most plants in the Bunchflower family have bunches of little white or greenish, lily-like flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals that are identical in size and color, plus 6 stamens, and a 3-parted pistil.

69. Carinate: 1 adj having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship “a Carinate sepal” Synonyms: Carinated , keeled , ridged n birds having keeled breastbones for attachment of flight muscles Synonyms: Carinate bird , flying bird Antonyms: flightless bird , ratite , …

70. Flower: bisexual; sepals 5, free, persistent or not; petals 5, free, generally spreading, twisted (corolla propeller-like) or not; stamens 10, Appendaged on inside base or not; ovary superior, chambers (and lobes) 5--10, each with 1--several ovules, placentas axile

71. Noun any of various plants belonging to the genus Anemone, of the buttercup family, having petallike sepals and including several wild species with white flowers as well as others cultivated for their showy flowers in a variety of colors.

72. Following initiation, the sepal and petal primordia fused at the basal region by "zonal growth," but the cohesion of anthers to form a staminal tube occurred later in development and was achieved by the interlocking of epidermal hairs produced on the lateral and adaxial surfaces of anthers.

73. Anagrams and words using the letters in 'Aslope' 6 Letter Words You can Make With Aslope Aslope 5 Letter Words You can Make With Aslope Aesop aloes lapse leaps lopes opals pales paseo peals pleas poles psoae salep sepal slope spale 4 Letter Words You can Make With Aslope

74. Cordate or Auricled at base, acutish, entire : flowers on very short spreading or soon reflexed pedicels; sepals narrow, 1J or 2 lines long, the narrow purplish petals a half longer: stamens included; anthers short: pods reflexed, 1 to 1J inches long, subterete, beaked, on pedicels a line or two long.?Collected by Dr